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Sculptor Edward (Ned) Bear has combined study in Native education with an Honours Diploma from the New Brunswick College of Art & Design with art studies at the Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.
In addition to his extensive experience as an instructor of Native art and culture, Bear has also made contributions to change as a curator ( Earth and Sky, Spirit of Our Ancestors, With All My Relations, Braided Spirit), guest speaker and juror. In 1995 he served as a board member of the Society of Canadian Artists of Native Ancestry (SCANA) and since 1994 has been on the New Brunswick Arts Board.
Recent Exhibitions:
McCain's Atlantic Exhibition at Beaverbrook Art Gallert, Dalhousie Art Gallery, Memorial University Gallery and at the Canadian Embassy, Washington, D.C.
Aitken Bicentennial Centre, Saint John NB
Rotunda Gallery, New Brunswick Museum, Saint John NB
Gallery Connexion, Fredericton NB
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